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¿Quién es el mejor cirujano plástico que realiza una cirugía de afirmación de género?

Well for us, the answer is easy. Dr Alexander Kamali and dr Sayid Zommorodi both have years of experience and more than thousands of cases between them when it comes to gender affirming surgery. You can rest assure that you are in the hands of the best possible plastic surgeons.

What types of gender-affirming surgeries do you offer?

Ofrecemos una amplia gama de cirugías de afirmación de género, que incluyen cirugía superior, contorno corporal, procedimientos faciales, modificación de la voz y más. Nuestro equipo experimentado adapta cada plan de tratamiento para satisfacer las necesidades y objetivos únicos de nuestros pacientes.

How long is the recovery period for these surgeries?

Recovery times vary depending on the type of surgery and individual factors. Typically, patients can expect a few weeks of recovery, but our medical team will provide personalized post-operative care and guidance.

How soon do you have available slots for surgery?

Siempre tratamos de ofrecer fechas disponibles dentro de los 30 días posteriores a su consulta.

Are there age restrictions for gender-affirming surgery?

You have to have turned 18 to undergo a gender affirming procedure with us.

¿Qué técnicas de mastectomía ofrecéis?

The technique used is tailored to your preference and anatomical conditions. The most commonly used is the double-incision mastectomy with a free nipple graft. Other examples include the semiareolar apporach and double-circular (also known as the donut-technique). Sometimes additional liposuction is needed to achieve the best possible result.

What is the difference between gender-affirming surgery and other cosmetic surgeries?

La cirugía de afirmación de género está diseñada específicamente para ayudar a las personas a lograr su auténtica identidad de género, mientras que otras cirugías cosméticas se centran en mejorar la apariencia física por razones estéticas. Nuestra clínica se especializa en ambos, pero el enfoque y los objetivos difieren.

What steps should I take before scheduling a consultation?

During your initial consultation, any necessary documents and referrals will be adressed and you will have all the information needed to start planning for your surgery.

How do I get started with gender-affirming surgery at your clinic?

To begin your gender-affirming journey with us, simply reach out to our clinic to schedule a consultation. During this initial meeting, we will discuss your goals, assess your needs, and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique path to authenticity.

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